Semester question

Can health be fair for all?

Health is more than just a personal responsibility. Who we are, where we live and what we can afford have an enormous impact on whether we are healthy or ill. How can we create better opportunities for a healthy life for all? 

Semester question 2024/25: Can health be fair for all?

Every person has the right to be healthy. Nutrition, lifestyle, exercise – there is a lot we can influence ourselves. Other factors are genetically predisposed and can only be changed to a limited extent. And the environment affects our health as well: environmental pollutants, water shortage, heat. On the other hand, access to healthcare, medication and therapies depends on who we are, where we live or what we can afford.

Together with experts of the University of Vienna we ask: Can health be fair for all? And how can we jointly ensure equal opportunities for a healthy life for all?

About the Semester question

Each semester, the University of Vienna poses its academics a question that is of particular relevance to today’s society. You can find all current contributions by the University of Vienna’s academics in the Rudolphina magazine (in German) or on our social media channels under #Semesterfrage. The University of Vienna runs this project in cooperation with the Austrian daily newspaper "Der Standard" – starting with online contributions and ending with a closing event at the end of the semester.