
Media owner, editor, responsible for contents and editing of top level and second level pages:

University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A-1010 Vienna


© The contents of the website are published in the World Wide Web for online access. Copyright for texts, images, graphic design and source code is owned by the University of Vienna and subject to legal protection.

The production, use and non-commercial distribution of copies in electronic or printed form is allowed provided that the contents are not altered and the source is mentioned (Source: University of Vienna).

Structure & design

The graphic concept and the initial TYPO3 programming of Rudolphina - Science Magazine of the University of Vienna was realised on behalf of DLE Corporate Communications by Fonda - Agency for digital media and communication on behalf of DLE Kommunikation. The ongoing maintenance is carried out by DLE Vienna University Computer Center.

Responsible for contents, editing & technology of linked pages

The editorial team of the Rudolphina magazine is responsible for the contents and editing on the Rudolphina page. The views expressed in individual guest contributions do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.

Technical Support

Technical support and maintenance of the WWW servers is provided by the Vienna University Computer Center (ZID) at the University of Vienna, Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstrasse 7/1, A-1010 Vienna.

If you experience technical problems, please send an e-mail to the .

Supervisory authority of the University of Vienna

Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy

VAT-number of the University of Vienna

ATU 37586901


The text provided on the University of Vienna homepage has been reviewed with great care. However, the University of Vienna cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or validity of the information provided. Therefore the University of Vienna accepts no liability for the contents provided. Links to other websites have been carefully selected. However, the University of Vienna is not responsible for contents on any other websites.

Tasks of the University of Vienna

According to section 3 of the 2002 Universities Act the University fulfils the following tasks within its sphere of action:

  1. advancement of sciences (research and teaching), and the advancement, appreciation and teaching of the arts;
  2. education through science and the advancement and appreciation of the arts;
  3. scientific, artistic, artistic-pedagogical and artistic-scientific training, qualification for professional activities requiring the application of scientific knowledge and methods, as well as teaching artistic and scientific skills at the highest level;
  4. training and promotion of junior academics and young artists;
  5. continuing education, particularly of university graduates;
  6. internal co-ordination of scientific research (and the advancement and appreciation of the arts) and teaching at universities;
  7. promotion of domestic and international co-operation in research and teaching, and the arts;
  8. promotion of the use and practical application of their research findings, and of community involvement in efforts to promote the advancement and appreciation of the arts;
  9. gender equality, and the advancement of women;
  10. maintenance of contacts with graduates;
  11. provision of public information on the performance of the tasks of the universities.